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The Key To Keeping Brown Recluse Spiders Away From Your Deming Home

Serving Families Throughout Deming
a brown recluse spider crawling

The United States is lucky to be mostly free of dangerous spiders. Most arachnids are harmless. One big exception, however, is the brown recluse. This type of spider packs a powerful bite with deadly venom. While homeowners have nothing to worry about most of the time, you cannot ignore the brown recluse; it only is reason enough to ensure your pest control in Deming is solid.

Read on to learn how to differentiate brown recluses from other crawlers and how Snowden Exterminating can get rid of spiders on your Deming property.

How To Identify Brown Recluse Spiders

Brown recluses aren’t like black widows. When looking at a black widow, its infamous hourglass mark will make it easy to recognize. However, brown recluse spiders look similar to other types of spiders, making them hard to identify at first glance. Still, one of the best ways to distinguish brown recluses from other species is by assessing their appearance. 

Brown recluses vary between tan and gray and have a violin-shaped marking on their cephalothorax (the upper half where their legs attach). The violin marking is the telltale sign of a brown recluse; it is dark and always points towards the abdomen. Many spiders mistaken for brown recluses don't have a pronounced marking. Furthermore, unlike other species, the brown recluse has no stripes or rings on its legs. In short, if it is solid brown with no patterns and has a fiddle marking, it's a brown recluse.

The Dangers Of Brown Recluse Spiders On Your Property

Despite all spiders being venomous, most don’t have venom potent enough to cause humans any considerable harm. Brown recluses are a different story. This species packs a hemotoxic venom that can cause the tissues around a bite to die and decay—a process called necrosis.

If bitten, you'll first experience mild pain or itching for several hours. Most spider bites can cause these effects, and unless you see the spider, you may not know a recluse bit you.

However, as the venom continues to work, new symptoms will start to emerge:

  • Pain or tingling around the site of the bite.

  • The skin reddens and develops into a blister.

  • A black spot appears as an open sore that spreads out. 

Experiencing these symptoms requires prompt action. Don't take any chances—assume the worst and seek medical help immediately. Although their name implies they're timid, brown recluses are still dangerous when on your property.

The Safest Way To Get Rid Of Brown Recluse Spiders

The best way to avoid brown recluses is to remove anything that may attract them to your property. Fortunately, if you’re taking measures for pest control in Deming, you’re going a long way to prevent brown recluses and other spiders already. Spiders don’t typically enter homes unless they’re following another infestation. Brown recluses don't want your food scraps. They will, however, eat pests that do want to scavenge throughout your home. 

If you’re taking measures against roaches, silverfish, and other insects, you’re taking measures to keep brown recluses and other southern spiders out by extension. Making your home less appealing to recluses is simpler and safer than dealing with them once they invade.

How To Keep Brown Recluse Spiders Away From Your Property

The best approach to keep these dangerous southern spiders off your property is to call the pros. Here at Snowden Exterminating, our experts are familiar with all spiders local to our area. We can distinguish spiders mistaken for brown recluses from the real deal and help you get rid of all the spiders infesting your property. Give us a call or visit our contact page to get started today!
