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Identifying And Getting Rid Of Brown Recluse Spiders Around Your Deming Home

Serving Families Throughout Deming
a brown recluse spider crawling on a wall

There are thousands of spider species that call the United States home, but only a couple of them present a serious danger to humans. Most spider species have evolved to prey on insects and other spiders, requiring just enough venom to neutralize their prey and teeth long enough to pierce their skin, putting them completely out of their league when dealing with humans.

Brown recluse spiders and black widow spiders are the only two spider species likely to cause lasting damage to a human or our four-legged companions with their bite.

Let's take a closer look at how to correctly identify brown recluse spiders, the symptoms of a spider bite, what you can do to discourage them from making camp in your home, and where to find experienced pest control in Deming if prevention fails to keep spiders out.

Brown Recluse Spiders Are Commonly Misidentified

Correctly identifying a spider that just bit you or a spider infestation on your property is key to both proper treatment of the bite as well as developing an effective approach to get rid of spiders in your Deming home.

Brown recluse spiders are one of the most common spider species in the United States.

They are usually 1/4 to 1/2 inches in size, light to dark brown, and sport a telltale mark of a violin on their backs, usually a few shades darker in color. As their name suggests, brown recluse spiders are not fans of socializing, much preferring the comfort of their dark and warm hidey holes. They are not aggressive by nature but will bite if threatened or unable to get away.

The Potential Dangers Of A Brown Recluse Spider's Bite

Brown recluse spider venom is a nightmarish concoction of a number of deadly toxins. It's 13 times more potent than the venom injected by a rattlesnake, but thankfully, the amount of venom injected in a spider bite is much, much lower.

A brown recluse spider bite is likely to destroy the tissue around the puncture marks, producing necrosis and often resulting in an ulcerating sore and a lot of scar tissue.

These bites take a long time to heal, and the wound is very prone to infection.

Factors That Attract Brown Recluse Spiders In And Around Your Home

As a homeowner, the most reliable course of action to avoid a spider infestation is to make your home and property as unappealing to them as possible. The following factors make your home appealing to brown recluse spiders and make it easier for them to get inside:

  • Stacks of firewood against the walls or in close vicinity

  • Dark, warm areas in the basement and attics

  • Clutter and debris

  • Cracks and crevices in the outer walls and foundation

All types of spiders, being dedicated predators and having no interest in the comfort of your home (spiders produce an anti-freeze-like substance that makes them pretty impervious to cold), are heading into your home with a single reason in mind-to follow their prey.

An effective spider infestation treatment approach should always start with determining the food source that enticed them into your home and then eradicating it so you can keep spiders out.

The Safest Way To Get Rid Of A Brown Recluse Spider Infestation

Considering the danger of brown recluse venom and the difficulty of removing them from your home, it's best to involve a professional if you believe you're dealing with an infestation.

At Snowden Exterminating, we have over 70 years of experience clearing out spiders and other pests from Deming area homes. If you're dealing with a brown recluse spider infestation in your home or property, call us for a free inspection today and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Deming.
